Friday, September 21, 2018

NBA Stories: Media people and their agenda: sad and shameful.

     I keep saying these media dudes have no clue. They are the first generation media people who were not really specialized or passionate about sports 20-30 years ago. So many of them were working odd jobs and actually admit they were lucky all this media shit had started and gave them jobs. Anyway, it's shameful and sad but hey, at least they bring in the players those who WERE passionate about sports adored many years ago. So let's be thankful and hope for the best. :)

    Here is a retired Ray Allen talking about the game and his career. And...a moronic Dan Patrick asking silly questions. For example trashing Ray after only 2 minutes pretending Ray Allen couldn't dunk like Vince Carter. So I had to comment on his YouTube with this: "Poor Dan, doesn't know Ray Allen was a devastating dunker in the mid-90s. Fans already commenting...

    "Is it just me..I don't think Dan is giving Ray enough respect as a basketball player"

     "I hate how DP asks his guests questions then interrupts them when they're not advancing his agenda. We come here to listen to the guests, if we wanted your predictions, agenda, ideas, etc, we'd tune into your TV or radio show live."

    "The host is rubbish."

    "OMG Dan Patrick is so ignorant and so disrespectful!"

     But I will forgive Dan Patrick for all his nonsense talk for mentioning the best shooting point guard in the history of the game when he talked with Reggie Miller.

     On the other hand, real sportsmen can have a real talk about sports and the lifestyle around sports. My favorite TV program is NBA Open Court where players whom I admired when they played now come on the show and tell stories from their lifetime. Like a youtuber said on one of those videos "I can't get over the fact that these legends are talking about their legends. Listening to real basketball players talk about basketball is far superior to all those sports writers and broadcasters who have probably never even touched a basketball since grade school." Amen! Here is one of them:

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