Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Scottie, the beard trimmer

        It's time you kids nowadays start learning the fundamentals or 1. you will lose your job, 2. this sport will disappear soon (they killed the competitiveness already exposing it to retarded, slow, one sided, unskilled teens).

        That's Scottie, the beard trimmer for you, millennials!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

2019 news

       Hi y'all! There is so much since I've posted here last time. You might think I took time off but on the contrary...I managed to finish older projects and learned new techniques. Here is what you didn't know I've been doing in the last 3 months. Yeah, I know time flies...

        1. I finished the 2008-09 NBA season mod which I focused on quite a lot because of the mistery Phoenix Suns roster that year which was a championship calibre team but failed because they changed the traditional 'run and gun' strategy by bringing Shaq who obviously slowed down everything for 1 season and a half. So...despite a 46 wins and 36 loses record, the Suns didn't even make the playoff in 2009! That makes them the Shaqtin A Fool team of the decade. The DLC comes with beautiful round action photos for each player. To be posted soon...

        2. I finished the 2010-11 and 2011-12 NBA season mod. This was a must because it brought the game where it should have been to the literally 'out of the box' state because we are talking NBA 2K11 from 2010-2011 NBA season here, right?

        3. I finished the 2017-18 NBA season mod but I decided to not post it because I lost interest in today's NBA. Believe it or not I also finished 90% of the 2018-19 NBA season but probably I will keep it to myself for now.

        4. I found the BEST formulas and the most pleasant and somewhat realistic gameplay for NBA 2K11, something I was looking for more than 3 years(!) and something I was dreaming about for 20 years(!!) of playing basketball videogames. This is what I am using right now when I am playing the game. Have a look at this page on my blog: How to Play the Game

        5. I finished the BEST mod ever done by anyone for a 2K basketball game: the NBA Stars In NCAA project. This is something I have been doing for more than a year but I managed to focus on only this winter once my other NBA mods were done because that's where I borrowed most of the players from. So basically it is a HUGE mod which allows you to play in Quick Game or Season Mode(!) with ANY team from a list of 80+ NCAA teams each having realistic players who competed in both NCAA and NBA. You can call it a historical mode if you'd like.

        6. Part of #5 on this list, I learned how to make HD (4000x2000 resolution) courts in NBA 2K11 so this is pretty much what I am doing these days. I only do NCAA courts because I want all those 80+ teams to have realistic, jaw-dropping courts you can use with my legendary NCAA mod. BTW, for those who are interested, the mod will cost a bit more than usually. It contains 1000+(!!!) realistic players so you know we are talking greatness here. Not to mention I did everything in this DLC by myself (with a little help with the courts from another modder). In case you can't compute the amount of work I put into is 3 times the work a whole 2K Sports team put into their crappy default NBA game!).

       I am too busy with the NCAA project (and also playing with it!) but I hope I can find some time to post more about it in the near future. Until then a few teasers below.